12,437+ MEN HELPED SINCE 2016


Witness the extraordinary journeys of individuals who took a stand against the hold alcohol had on their lives, seeking not just recovery but a complete metamorphosis into their best selves. From rediscovering self-love to rebuilding family bonds and reigniting career passions, each story is a testament to the power of commitment, the strength of the human spirit, and the profound impact of our program.

Embracing the journey to self-improvement can open the door to a life filled with purpose, confidence, and joy. Discover how, amidst challenges and setbacks, every person has the potential to make a comeback that redefines their story.

"I was being more productive at work, my employees had noticed and and were really excited about my attitude and the positivity that was coming out. All that stuff was still there, it was just locked up and drowned by the booze."

"I always wanted to be the number one guy, but I gave up that dream and that goal years ago. Within three months of starting The Comeback, I have that lifetime goal that I'd given up on. So in pretty short time, I turned that around, which just kind of showed me what a different mindset will make you capable of"

"I didn't think it was possible. Even on the first set of questions on a scale of 1 out of 10 or whatever, I put three. We tried all these other things and nothing would work. The Comeback gave me hope."

"Luckily, I hit the brakes quick enough that I was still going to work, I was still doing the things, I just wasn't executing the way I know I can. And now I am. Setting goals, just being back to where I was at, you know, before I started down that hole."

"The Comeback has allowed me to be my true version of myself, to be the man in the mirror that I'm proud to look at every single day. The man that my kids can say, that's my dad. That's my daddy. My wife can proudly walk down the streets to a barbecue and say, that's my husband. That's my man."

"Are there times when I think I'd like to have something? Yes, but I choose not to. Before The Comeback I didn't have the ability to make that choice."

"I've been able to take a lot of time and think about who do I want to be to my family, who do I want to be at work. I have a peace about myself and an aura now, I'm more confident, I'm strong. I can stand up and look everybody in the eye. I'm proud of myself."

"After The Comeback I have control on whether I want to enjoy alcohol in a positive setting or I don't. I don't have to force myself to drink, or not drink. The thing that surprised me is that it started out as, I need help with drinking, but I didn't realize that drinking wasn't the issue. The issue was all of the stuff in my life that was causing the drinking."

"My life is what I want it to be and I'm not letting alcohol dictate any part of it. I'm doing what I want to do when I want to do it. The Comeback helped me find the confidence to pursue bigger, better things. I'm present with my family, instead of getting drunk and sitting on the couch."

"The Comeback helped me quit hiding behind a facade, pretending to be someone I really wasn't. I wanted to be the person people want to be as opposed to being who I am and doing what I want to do."

"I've had rough days over the last few weeks, and I've taken a completely different stance to how I overcome this feeling. Instead of having a few drinks, I've learned how to focus and use positivity to help those feelings pass."

1. You are NOT powerless

This program isn’t for people who want to sit around and feel sorry for themselves. There are no victims here and no depressing sob stories. We do share our struggles and work through overcoming them together – but we don’t dwell on the struggles or use them as excuses. We instead focus on strength and empowerment that gives you the ability to say no to alcohol.

2. You do NOT have a disease

We don’t view drinking as something you’ve inherited from your parents or grandparents. You’re not sick. You don’t have a disease. You choose to drink… you just have to work out why, then fix the issue. We focus on the 7 key areas of your life that fuel your decisions to drink – and help you get back on track in each one so you can live a happy, healthy and successful life.

3. Alcohol is not the problem, it’s the solution to another problem

Alcohol isn’t the real problem – it’s your solution to the real problem. You use it as an antidote. Whether that’s to numb the pain… to inflate low self-esteem… to be more fun at parties… or to feel alive… Alcohol is a way to cope with what’s wrong in your life. Once you solve the REAL issues that cause you to drink, you’ll no longer need the medicine – so you can throw away the bottle.

4. You DON’T have to quit forever

Never having a drink again for the rest of your life… is that the answer? Is it even possible? We don’t focus on giving up alcohol completely. Instead, we focus on the reasons behind your addiction – once you’ve fixed these, you’ll have total control over your decision to drink. It’s then up to YOU whether you never drink again… or have a quiet beer with dinner when you choose to.

5. Your greatest gift is the power to choose

Never let anyone tell you that you don’t have a choice – because you do. In fact, it’s your greatest power… your greatest gift… it’s something alcohol can NEVER take away from you. If you CHOOSE to stand up and take control, you CAN. After all, you’re the one who picks up the bottle in the first place. You’re the one who goes back for that 10th or 11th drink. And you’re definitely the one (the ONLY one) who can stand up and break the cycle… so do it NOW!


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*Disclaimer: The services provided by IAMACOMEBACK LLC are not a substitute for clinical treatment, rehabilitation, or the advice of licensed professionals such as psychologists, counselors, doctors, physicians, or nurses. Our methods are not intended to replace professional medical or psychological treatment. If you require such services, please consult a qualified professional.

Please note that the results achieved by IAMACOMEBACK LLC and our clients are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will achieve similar results. Success in our programs depends on numerous factors, including your background, dedication, desire, and motivation. Every client’s success is defined individually, and success does not necessarily mean achieving sobriety.

By engaging with our services, you acknowledge that IAMACOMEBACK LLC is not liable for your results or any losses incurred from applying the material provided.

If you are not willing to accept these terms, we ask that you do not use our services.